Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FTF Tuesday November 23rd

Again, my goal for today is to just get through the day. I have some work stuff to do, but I also have some other things to do. Yesterday I had one major meltdown and a few sobbing incidents. I slept really well night, I was exhausted from all the crying I think. It is rather interesting that when your world had been shattered, that just dealing with the basics in life, like sleeping, eating, breathing, is what you focus on. I have to do the FTF list because my memory is shot right now and I can’t remember anything. And so it goes.

invoice for Pima

schedule conference call

call DO

references to KM

Pima conference call


prepare for conference call


drink water

take vitamins

grocery store for T-day fixins

find new receipe for creamed spinach

shop for new fridge.

meet with L.

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