Sunday, October 31, 2010


Dealing with my 91 yo mom and tyring to get her to stop driving is really stressing you out.


A nap on a rainy Saturday afternoon is one of the best things in life.


Must let go of that bad project experience and get beyond it – it is not doing me any good right now.


I love leading groups and working on innovation


I realized today how badly bruised my spirit is due to the interaction I’ve had with some people at my firm.


Even though I’m not a home and traveling, being in Chicago feels like home.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Awakened this morning by the sound of Kona having a seizure, it was a fairly severe one.

29 Days

Since his last seizure. We were awakened at 5:30 am this morning by Kona seizing. I had an inkling last night when he wouldn’t settle down. This one lasted 8 minutes and he has had a lot of residual problems, blindness in one eye, loss of balance and rear end weakness. I am concerned. Will call the vet in an hour. I’m supposed to be flying out this afternoon (I changed it to a later flight). The blindness seems to be disapating and he is now laying on his side. Earlier he would just walk in circles but that is probably because he could only see out of one eye. He also kept walking into things but with only one eye he had no depth perception. I attribute this to the fact that he has undergone a lot of stressor lately, with us being gone as well as being sick. He didn’t get his medicine for two days because he wouldn’t eat and we had the first winter storm come through, which has set off seizure in the past. Oh, and it was a full moon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

FTF October 24th

we are having a pretty heavy winter storm in the fall. They say its the remnants of the typhoon that hit the Phillipines. Its also the last day of my vacation. I’m feeling pretty rested and almost ready to go back to work (and back on the road). I’m staying in today and just doing a few things since its my last day to be a total slug. But sometimes being a slug is a good thing.

practice bass/keyboard

pay last of October bills

clean PHX cage

put away suitcases from vacation

reorganize business travel suitcase so that it is prepared to hit the road.

maybe some yoga

Saturday, October 23, 2010


It was a rainy weekend day when I want to hibernate and celebrate the San Francisco Giants win the National League Championship and head to the World Series-WOO HOO!

FTF October 23

Its raining today and all I want to do is stay inside and hibernate. Only one thing on the agenda for today.


pick up presription

pay last of October bills

take vitamins

practice bass

practice keyboard

clean PHX cage

Friday, October 22, 2010


Five doctor’s appointments in three days have kept me pretty busy-dermatologist, gp, dentist, orthopedist, osteopath.

FTF October 22

getting a late start on this today. We are supposed to have a rainy weekend. Its too early for rain! Only 3 days left before I’m heading back to work. Its been a great vacation. I’m starting to feel rested.

-appointment with orthopod- had one of my knees shot up with cortisone and have an appointment in 10 days for the other one. My xrays didn’t look so good. We’re talking knee replacement, but I’m not ready for that. So I’ll have periodic cortisone shots or perhaps a lubricating shot to help me deal with it for the next 10 years or so

appointment with DO

practice bass

pay bills

practice keyboard


ice my knee

Thursday, October 21, 2010


It was a rather lazy vacation day here at home, doing things I enjoy (like playing bass) and things I don’t (getting my teeth cleaned).

FTF October 21

Four more days off before I have to go back to work. I’m really tired today so I think I will be taking it easy. It is also the first day of my eating plan so I need to get back into the groove.

-dentist appointment-

-grocery store-

call for DO appt

practice bass

practice keyboards

online shopping


watch taped programs


focus on one reason that I am changing my lifestyle

maybe yoga

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Kona brushed up against a bee’s nest and they followed him home, burrowing into his fur, evidently looking for a place to stay warm but not stinging him.

October 2010 Photo 22

The new drum kit sparkles under the lights.

100810 105

October 2010 Photo 21

Handsome boy!

100910 203

October 2010 Photo 20

Laying in the back of his car, watching the world go by.

100910 201

October 2010 Photo 19

“I hope the wind carries the ball over the water.”

101010 107

October 2010 Photo 18

what a view?

101010 113

October 2010 Photo 17

Are you kidding me? I have to tee off from here? And hit it to there?

101010 116

October 2010 Photo 16

Golf, if for no other reason than to see the beautiful scenery.

101010 120

October 2010 Photo 15

The wind, she was a-blowin’

101010 118

October 2010 Photo 14


101210 100

October 2010 Photo 13

The beginning of sand castles.

101210 102

October 2010 Photo 12

Another incredible sunset

101210 116

October 2010 Photo 11

The happy vacationing couple.

tom beth 2010 2

October 2010 Photo 10

How I spent my vacation

day at the beach

October 2010 Photo 9

Watching the sunset from the beach.

sunset 101310 3

October 2010 Photo 8

Solitary sunset on a rock

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October 2010 Photo 7

Torch lighter

101410 105

October 2010 Photo 6

Sunset sky

101410 107

October Photo 5

Sailing into the sunset

101510 109

October 2010 Photo 4

Hawaiian sunset

101510 117

October 2010 Photo 3

sticking his head up
for a look-see

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October 2010 Photo 2

Honu, a Hawaiian sea turtle

101610 102

October 2010 Photo 1


toronto 104

FTF 10-20-10

We are back from Hawaii but are still off this week. We came home a day early since Kona was sick. He is doing much better. I’m just about back on schedule. Time to accomplish a few things, but still relax before heading back to work and back on the road next week.


doctor appointment

make appointment with DO

practice bass

practice keyboard

online shopping

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It feels like I spent the entire day either cooking for Kona, feeding Kona, or giving Kona medication – thank goodness he feels better.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Due to a sick dog, we are ending vacation a day early but not before I shot my personal best of 85 at the golf course today.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Kona decided to stop eating while we were gone – he is probably mad at us even though we made sure he had the best nanny on the planet to take care of him.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Lunch with relative who happen to be staying at the hotel next door – very cool.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Playing with two bad knees, a sore back and hip and a migraine seemed to improve my golf game.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Not even a migraine (not unexpected since I’ve started to relax) can ruin a day in paradise.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Listening to live rock music can cure just about any bad mood – including mine.


Mrrad’s new drum kit has stage presence – it sparkles under the lights and has an awesome sound.

Friday, October 8, 2010

FTF October 8

Its O:dark-thirty here in Montreal and I’m awake 2 hours before my 4:30 am wake-up call. My sciatica flared yesterday and the prednisone is keeping me awake. I leave for home in an hour and after I get home I have two very busy days to get ready for our trip to Hawaii.

pick up birthday cakes

drop cakes off at restaurant

take Kona for acupuncture

birthday dinner celebration with mom and mrrad

mrrad’s Friday night gig

wrap meggy’s bday present

deliver meggy’s bday present

hair appointment

mrrad’s Saturday gig

finish packing

finish paying last few bills

quick load of laundry

write Kona’s care instruction

grocery store for a few things for Kona’s nanny

water plants

clean PHX cage

call Kona’s nanny re: airport pick-up

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Three days of non-stop meetings have left me exhausted, good thing vacation is near.


Today is mrrad’s birthday, he’s sick and I’m not at home—it sucks.


My mom is 91 years old today.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I’m getting too old for jet lag, time change and 4 hours of sleep.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Busy Busy Busy getting ready for a busy busy busy week.


A lot has been accomplished today in preparation for a busy travel week, mrrad’s gigs next weekend and our departure on vacation next Sunday.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Why is it that on some days I pick up my bass and play like a would be rock star and other days I feel like I’m playing with pork sausages for fingers?

FTF Friday 10-01-10

Mrrad is away this weekend for a board (bored?) meeting so its a mommy-doggie week-end. I rarely am home with just Kona so in a way its a nice treat. I have to go back to the doc today to get my tb test. I also received a call from my county’s department of public health about all this. What cluster&*)^! I slept really well last night and Kona waited this morning for me to wake up. I have work to do today but am not going into the office since I have to go back to the doc. Today will be a focused workday.

TB test

take vitamins

hpc conference call


pat simulation

write write write

make dentist appt

make derm appt

make mani/pedi appt

make follow-up dr appt


practice bass

practice kb


Its going to be a mommy-doggie weekend.