Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A day of business planning-eek-there are two due in two weeks.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It was an alright kind of day, but I wasn’t able to pull a rabbit out of my hat.

Monday, September 27, 2010


For the first time in a very long time, I felt good about my job.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Kona had another seizure this morning, 7 weeks since his last one.


It seems that summer finally arrived, after the first day of fall.

48 days since his last seizure

And he had one again this morning after his big walk. Poor guy. It was a bit later than he normally has them, about 8:20. It wasn’t too bad though. It didn’t seem as violent and it lasted about 5 minutes total. Perhaps because he was tired from his walk, he didn’t go “down” as far. When he was post-ictal he could see (sometimes he has temporary blindness) and he could respond to commands, although a little slowly. His back end is a little weak now, but that could be from his walk. He is pretty well oriented now, just 30 minutes afterwards. I guess we will up his meds a bit, particularly since we are leaving on vacation and his nanny will be with him.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Sixteen wonderful years with my wonderful husband-I am blessed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


On the eve of the anniversary of the happiest day of my life, I am grateful.

Monday, September 20, 2010


The travel gods were not with me today, not against me, but I was not snuggly enveloped with their special intervention.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today was a day of gratitude and sadness when I saw two friends that are both battling cancer.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


The perfect day to hang out, nap, and enjoy a Saturday.


I wish I could simulation how to get the simulation to run correctly.


Still trying to figure out how to get the simulation to run correctly.

Friday, September 17, 2010


The feeling relief when caught up on invoice paperwork and processing is delightful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It never fails that when I try to complete something, other things more time sensitive take over my day I do not accomplish that which I want.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010


The building really looks great, I’m so proud of the team that designed it, including me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have a Willie Nelson song running through my head “On the Road Again.”

Saturday, September 11, 2010


The son of a childhood friend came home from Afganistan as the daughter of mrrad’s childhood friend deploys to the Gulf on the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier – lest we never forget.

September 2010 Photo 25

The home of
Roy’s Chicago Doggery
Authentic chicago dogs
in northern California

Roys Chicago Doggery 02

September 2010 Photo 24

At Roy’s Chicago Doggery
The ladies room


September 2010 Photo 23

Flying in the Chicago breeze

flag in chicago 2

September 2010 Photo 22

Love Chicago Architecture
and its reflections.

city county bldg 3

September 2010 Photo 21

The City-County Building
abuzz from the announcement
that Richard Daley will
not run for reelection

city county bldg 2

September 2010 Photo 20

View from the
back of taxi
Clark Street Bridge

chicago taxi ride

September 2010 Photo 19

Billboards in
use buildings

chicago billboard

September 2010 Photo 19

View from
the back of a taxi
on the Clark Street Bridge
in Chicago

chicago billboard

September 2010 Photo 18

The deer
move throughout
the valle
face caught
in the sunlight

deer 090510 01


My seat on the westbound 747 in the uppper deck was like a cozy cocoon.


It was an intense day of planning for the new venture.


A wasted day when everyone scheduled for an important meeting bagged it.


Getting ready for re-entry back into the real world is how I spent my labor day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It was a lovely flight to my hometown and a great meal with my bff – good for my sould.

Monday, September 6, 2010

FTF September 6th

Today will be a household chore/back to work prep kind of day. I’m off to Chicago tomorrow, returning on Friday. Going to Chicago has its up-sides since my bff and bil are there. I’m really not ready to go back to work, but then, we’ll be heading to Hawaii in 34 days.

take vitamins


practice bass

practice keyboard


water/feed plants

pay September bills

clean out mail

finish shredding

polish shoes

DIY facial

cancel hyatt reservation

plant cacti


Another happy dog
at Hamilton Amplitheater
Novato, CA

dog 106


This guy was having
a great time
at Hamilton Amplitheater
Novato, CA

dog 114

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September 2010 Photo 17


lavendar 101

September 2010 Photo 16

and newly

cacti 100

September 2010 Photo 15

Where am I?

street sign

September 2010 Photo 14



September 2010 Photo 13

Hamilton Amplitheater

amplitheater 102

September 2010 Photo 12

Stairs to … ?

step 105

September 2010 Photo 11


kona 100

September 2010 Photos 7, 8, 9 and 10


sand pail 100

sand shovel 100

sand pail 102

sand pail 104

September 2010 Photo 6

Empty swing
and shadow

swing 104

September 2010 Photo 5

This marks
the way
to fabulous

sign 100

September 2010 Photo 4

A newly transplanted
before the leaves
are set loose

palm 103

September 2010 Photo 3

I know there
is something good
down here!

dog 102

Septe4mber 2010 Photo 2

Could I have
some privacy please?

dog 105

September 2010 Photo 1

hanging out
not too concerned about

deer 105


A quiet day spent doing things that I love, music and photography.

I feel like I'm reclaiming a lost part of myself

We purchased an electronic keyboard this week and set it up yesterday. I was amazed that there were a few songs that I remember from 40 years ago (Silent Night being one of them). I studied organ for a few years as a child (as well as flute). I neither had the discipline nor did I believe that I had any talent/apptitude for such, so I quickly sold myself a bill of goods and stopped playing. I started playing bass 3 months ago and today, just fooling around on the keyboard, I realized that I missed it. Learning bass has actually helped me understand things about music (like chords) that I never put together. I’m also interested in playing flute again, but I think I have enough on my plate for the time being. For the most part, practice is fun (although at time frustrated and occassionaly boring). It certainly is different and allows me focus on something other than work. It is becoming joyous, particular when something comes easily or feels good. As long I can keep the perfectionism out of my head, it will great.

FTF September 5th

Two days ahead of me with no outside commitments. I can totally do what I want, rest, relax, whatever. A few fun things on my list today and a couple of “chores”. I am going to enjoy the next few days because I think it will get hectic over the next month and while I was able to relax on this vaca, I don’t feel totally refreshed. However, we are leaving for Hawaii (for 10 days/9 nights) in 35 days. I always come back from there feeling refreshed.

take vitamins


practice bass

practice keyboard

order keyboard instructional books on Amazon

start laundry

install Kona proof hardware (I have kept putting this off)

pay September bills

clean out mail

take the camera out for an hour shoot (and Kona too)

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Srecna Slava – and a lovely dinner with our Persian neighbors, at a persian restaurant – incredible food.


Our music “studio” is expanding with the addition of an electronic keyboard – rock on!

Friday, September 3, 2010

We now have a keyboard.

A casio 76-key keyboard. Mrrad and I wanted to learn. I played the organ as a child. I’m still practicing the bass every day, and will continue to do so. I wanted to refresh what I had learned as a child and then continue with learning. Now all I need is a flute to complete my musical instrument collection. (I used to play flute).

FTF September 3rd

boy did Friday get here fast. Funny, we never say those things when working. It will be warm today but not as hot as yesterday. I have a few errands to run today, but most of the day stretches out before me without demand, only that which I wish to do.

take vitamins

practice bass

see DO

pick up cleaning

order new quilt

put away dishes


split orchids



cancel hyatt reservation

maybe Costco to look at keyboards

anything else that strikes my fancy

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Feeling tired and blah after yesterday’s intense meeting and taking my mom on errands today.

FTF September 2nd

yesterday was a very intense day, with a four hour “meeting” All went well, but I think the timing is still a ways off, which is OK with me. It is going to be very hot today so I will be doing wonderful things inside rather than outside. A few errands and then time to chill.

take mom to hairdresser and grocery store

take vitamins

practice bass


plant/transplant if it isn’t too hot

whatever else I feel like doing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It was an intense day and a four hour meeting, we’ll see what happens.

FTF September 1

EEK! Where did the summer go? Its already September. I have another interview today, fourth one with this firm. They are really interested but due to the economy, they haven’t been able to put an offer out there. Some things may have changed which is why they want to talk again, and have me meet more people. I’m not sure this is where I want to go, but I am going to investigate. I also have Design Review Commission tonight and I am now the chair. How I let myself get elected is beyond me. Oh well. Full day on my plate.


take vitamins


design review

strength training

practice bass

fill out goodwill donation form for mrrad.