Friday, July 30, 2010


Mrrad played with Davey Pattison (first time) and Rumors tonight, he was awesome!

FTF Weekend of July 30th

this week was a trip back to my hometown and I’m trying to keep the work week to under 40 hours. I really need some down time to recharge. The weekend is not terribly busy.

mrrad’s gig

charge camera and video batteries

get batteries for flash

practice bass

practice bass

practice bass

bass lesson


return L call

call IHSS

call mom

grocery store



strength training

make vitamin packs

take vitamins

make appt for Kona acupuncture

continue data transfer

staff review write-ups

buy usb-usb cord

call Chris

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


While in Chicago, I met up with a high school friend and had a chance to catch up.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It was a good day with strategy meetings for a new venture that falls within my wheelhouse.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Even though I was upset that my earlier flight was cancelled, the travel gods were with me with an upgrade to business class and an incredible suite in the hotel.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


My bass teacher told me that I have good timing.

July 2010 Photo 16

The guitar player


July 2010 Photo 15

The bass
in motion

Bass 101

July 2010 Photo 14

My husband
hands flying
on the drums

Tom 116

July 2010 Photo 14


I am emotionally drained after talking with my mom today about keeping her safe and having her stop driving.

I'm in

I could absolutely use the discipline to do this daily. I used to take the time but life has gotten in the way. A great way to strengthen a spiritual connection.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Had a discussion with mom today

My brother and I, along with our wonderful spouses, had lunch with our mom today and discussed three things with her. First, that we are going to get her some home health help. Some one to check on her daily, make sure she takes her medications and any other light assistance she may need. Second, that we are going to explore a residential facility for her for when she needs it. and third, that she must stop driving. We’ve given her two weeks and then we will officially take away her keys/car. It took a lot of talk. She is resistant, which I expected. But we did get through to her. Hopefully she will remember it. I’m an emotional wreck. This discussion, along with everything else that has been going, and the fact that I’m exhausted, has led to a very emotional day.

FTF Weekend of July 23rd

A long week away from home, but came home yesterday afternoon in order to go to mrrad’s gig last night, which of course was fabulous. I also get to spend the week-end with mrrad since he didn’t travel for his BOD meeting – yeah!

practice bass

bass lession

practice bass

meet with mom and brother


pay last monthly bill

download video

upload video

edit video

down load pix

edit pix

upload pix to box. net

upload pix to flickr

make vitamin packs

take vitamins


install kona proof hardware

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I went to a meeting tonight and realized I need to go to more meetings.


This anxiety and feeling of being overwhelmed is getting old.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

FTF Weekend of July 16th

not a good week. not at all. Bright side is mrrad has a gig tonight (a paying gig). That should be fun. Also not going to be a fun weekend. Must tell my mom that we are taking her car keys. An emotional whirlwind for the last few days.

-mrrad’s gig-

hair appointment


grocery store

get receipts together for expense report

transfer data from old laptop to new one

make vitamin packs

take vitamins

talk to brother

talk to mom

get mom’s ssn

practice bass

bass lesson

mock evacuation


down load photos from camera

edit photos

upload photos

download video from camera

upload video

Friday, July 16, 2010

FTF Weekend of July 16th

not a good week. not at all. Bright side is mrrad has a gig tonight (a paying gig). That should be fun. Also not going to be a fun weekend. Must tell my mom that we are taking her car keys. An emotional whirlwind for the last few days.

mrrad’s gig

hair appointment


grocery store

get receipts together for expense report

transfer data from old laptop to new one

make vitamin packs

take vitamins

talk to brother

talk to mom

get mom’s ssn

practice bass

bass lesson

mock evacuation



Its always darkest before it turns completely black.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today I got a new laptop after recently bragging that I hadn’t had any trouble with my old laptop—oops.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Back to LA for lots of meetings but a fairly calm day given the craziness.

Monday, July 12, 2010


A quiet day at home with only a little bit of work and some recovery time.


I am making progress, slight though it is, in learning the bass guitar.

FTF July 12th

I’m still beat up and sore from last week’s travelfest. And my asthma is really acting up. I’m going to take today off (well, kind of since I’ll be doing at least a modicum of work at home today). Must start to feel better since I travel tomorrow.

take vitamins

make vitamin packs

DO appointment

make other appointments



pick-up/take in cleaning


find mom’s ssn

tell mom we are applying for home care for her

pick up prescription

practice bass

meeting note review

meeting schedule review

Saturday, July 10, 2010


My hands are so swollen from all of the air travel that when I play bass it feels like my fingers are pork sausages.

FTF Weekend of July 10th

I had an exhausting week and I’m tired and sore. Our office summer event is today and while my mind is willing, my body is exhausted. I think I will take Monday off since I’m traveling T-T this week. My breathing has been really compromised this week too. Rest is my priority.

practice bass

bass lesson

practice bass


grocery store

pick up cleaning/take in cleaning

pay bills


summer event, maybe

upload videos

find mom’s ssn

call in prescriptions

pick up prescriptions

water plants


Friday, July 9, 2010


Time to spare, go by air – missed connection in ORD added 3 hours to my 16 hour day.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

My brother and I had a discussion about mom today

She clearly has good days and bad days. But she also had a very bad medical event last week (she overdosed on a serious blood thinner and ended up in the ED, not her fault tho – it was the HMOs)
Her memory is failing more. We need to get some home care help and look at moving her into a facility of some type. We have also decided it is time to take away her car keys. We are going to that in two weeks. It will not be pleasant. But she should not be driving anymore, its dangerous.

Still practicing

I was able to practice every day this past week and am now starting to learn more about playing the bass then just what frets to use for which notes. Starting to learn about chords and bass lines. And I’m trying to read music rather than bass tabs. But I also need a day off from practice. I had a few days that no matter what I did I was struggling. And then one day it was great. And today, being tired, not so good.

I really like doing this. When I’m practicing its the only thing I’m focusing on. I can’t think about anything else. But I still need to not place my expectations too high. After being at gigs these last two days with mrrad, I can see how far it is that I would need to go and that seems overwhelming. I keep searching for marked improvement and its minimal at best. I’m getting a more consistent sound out of the strings. Just keep practicing.

This past week

has been pretty successful. I was off and did some form of exercise every day. I’ve been alternating between restorative yoga and toning with my exerbands, and being sure to do some core strengthening exercise every day. I also spent a lot of time on my feet the last two days, toting around drum kits. I’ve just not been able to get myself to do anything today-I’m too exhausted. I hope to do well this week although I’m traveling again, this time across country so I’ll have less opportunity. Keep on keeping on.

July 2010 Photo 13

Spencer, the lead singer
for Beyond the Blue

spencer btb 070410 11

July 2010 Photo 11

Jeff lays down
the bass line
with his 5-string bass

jeff btb 070410 03

July 2010 Photo 10

The rhythm guitarist
for Beyond the Blues
keeps the groove going

carl btb 070410 02

July 2010 Photo 9

Ron, the lead guitar
for Beyond the Blues
can shred those strings

ron btb 070410 01

July 2010 Photo 8

Dave, the new keyboard guy
with Beyond the Blues
can tickles the keys

dave btb 070410 01

July 2010 Photo 7

This handsome drummer
is my husband
the boy has rhythm

tom btb 070410 01

July 2010 Photo 6

July 2010 Photo 5

I love the pattern created by the sun.

pattern 02

July 2010 Photo 4

July 2010 Photo 3

Its so hot here the
crab turned into


July 2010 Photo 2

I wonder how they rowed
the boat here?

row row row your boat 01

July 2010 Photo 1

watching the birds
fly overhead

archie 14


Here is Archie. He was recently adopted into a new home. He’s a shepard/chow mix and has the best personality. Lucky Archie and lucky Kathy and Carl.

archie 13


My brother and I discussed our mom and how to care for her starting with taking away her car.

FTF July 5th

Had a very long and tiring day yesterday. Mrrad’s band Beyond the Blues (as opposed to his other band, Rumors) played a block party yesterday. Great show. I was the photographer/videographer (I’ll post some video once I get it downloaded and edited) and a tad bit of roadie (I’m learning how to break down and pack the drum kit). My body is beat today, but nothing much on the agenda.

meet with brother to discuss mom

practice bass


take vitamins

mail taxes

download video and edit

upload video after edit

edit photos

upload photos after posting

pack for a week in Montreal

email computer tech and ops director about a new computer (mine is having power, booting, and usb problems)

maybe clean out bins near w/d

Sunday, July 4, 2010


A gig with Beyond the Blues today—being a roadie, a groupie and the band photographer/videographer is exhausting.

June 2010 Photo 3

Good birdie

feenie 0610 05

June 2010 Photo 2

I got ‘tude

feenie 0610 03

June 2010 Photo 1

My beautiful

kona 0610

FTF July 4th

Happy 4th everyone! Have a safe day. For the last 13 years my whole family has gone to the local parade. This year they moved the parade to 11 am instead of 10 am and because of that and the fact that mrrad is playing another gig this afternoon, we are not going. While its always been a lot of fun, its also a lot of work to get there, find parking and get my 90 yo mom there. I could really use the morning to do something else. And I am so looking forward to seeing mrrad play with his is other band today at a block party. This will be a fun day.

mrrad’s gig with Beyond the Blues

take vitamins

toning exercises

practice bass

print and file taxes

clean out stuff at w/d

download photos off of camera

charge camera batteries for today’s photo shoot

find video camera (or learn how to take video with dslr)

anything else I feel so inclined to do.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


My first time as a roadie, the groupie, and the sound chick was way cool.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Since Kona’s last seizure. A record. He was at the vet today for acupuncture. He was his old fiesty self. When he jumped down from the bench the vet said “now there’s the Kona I know”. He’s a little antsy tonight but that could be from the B12 shot in his back. Let’s hope this trend continues.


Mrrad said I suck at vacation and need to attend a vacation training camp.

FTF July 3rd

mrrad’s second band is playing a gig on Saturday afternoon and I get to go hear them. It should be a nice day.

go to mrrad’s gig


buy paper

print taxes and mail

clean out bins by w/d


practice bass

return stuff to nordies

take vitamins

grocery store

call brother

call mom

FTF July 2nd

Finally I got the new wireless router up and running last night. It took forever and I finally had to call tech support for our modem-it didn’t have a password. Once that was resolve I just had to run set up on the router and it worked fine. Getting a new computer is great, but there is a whole lot of setup that one must do. Busy day today. Just found out I must go to Montreal next week versus LA.

-toning exercises-

-kona for acupuncture-

-kona for bath-


take vitamins

-travel for next week-

-followup on marketing issue-

finish taxes

practice bass


maybe clean out bins by w/d

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Trying to get the wireless router and internet modem up and running and its sending me in circles.