Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was very agitated and overwhelmed today trying to complete “work” and then had a lovely dinner at a new pizzeria in my neighborhood-fantastic.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My mother came close to having a “never event” when there was a miscommunication (HMO’s fault) as to the amount of powerful medication she was supposed to take—she could have bled to death if a blood test did not reveal the problem.


Was not able to accomplish what I had set out to do today since I had an unexpected trip with my mom to the pharmacy and lab.

Monday, June 28, 2010


My 90 year old mother has moved from fiercely independant to wanting to be taken care of.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Kona must have really missed me this week because he got up to greet me last night (after 9 pm) and has been plastered to my side all day today (or he’s hoping I’ll save him from the threatened bath.)

FTF Week of June 28th Master List

I’m off next week so this is my master list of things to do this week. Daily ones will follow.

Practice Bass every day

DO appointment

Massage appointment

reschedule appointment with L.

Kona for acupuncture

Kona bath


take in cleaning

take vitamins

start eating plan

yoga, toning or other activity every day


finish and submit taxes

work on BTB website

make gyn appointment

make mammogram appointment

make dermatologist appointment

reschedule haas

reformat laptop and tower

donate laptop and tower

donate clothing

clean out closet and donate clothing


call mom

call brother

wash car

investigate roll over of 401k

load dreamweaver on laptops

set up webcam on my laptop

FTF Weekend of June26th

It has been a crazy week and I am dead tired. I will be on vacation this week (as least for a portion of the week since I have some work to catch up on). But today and tomorrow are only for relaxing and doing that which I wish to do.

practice bass

practice bass

bass lesson

-buy new laptop-

-buy new desktop tower-

-buy new camera bag-

install new wireless router

set up new desktop tower



start laundry

Kona bath

unpack suitcase and transfer stuff to new one

water plants

online shopping

Friday, June 25, 2010


I survived a very intense week and am so exhausted that I can’t think straight.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


A lively team dinner was a great way to celebrate finishing the fourth day of five straight days of meetings.


Nobody should have to listen to me talk for eight hours, including me.


It was an incredibly intense day of client meetings which were very successful but yet very tiring.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Beautiful sunset over Torrey Pines golf course and the Pacific Ocean, a great evening for the longest day of the year.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I have been home for less than 48 hours and am now back on the road-I don’t feel like I’ve had a week-end.

Doing this has been really good for me.

While at my lesson today, I came to realize that perhaps I’m not the musical doofus that I always thought I was. I do have a great sense of rhythm and timing and I’m not totally tone deaf as I thought I was. I really can tell whether or not something is in tune. Granted I can’t sing in tune most of the time, but I actually know I’m not in tune which I wouldn’t know if I was tone deaf. I also had someone tell me recently that I have a melodic voice. Not that I’m heading for a career as a vocalist, but perhaps with a bit of training the dogs won’t howl if I sing and I won’t be totally embarassed to open my mouth. My bff is an excellent vocalist and I guess I always thought that if I wasn’t that good then I was terrible. Ahh the lies we tell ourselves.

So I’m going to keep practicing and see what happens. Today I learned a typical blues bass line and it was awesome!

169 Days

since Kona’s last seizure. He is doing great. His back-end weakness is also getting better. We have dropped his dose of potassium bromide down substantially which is what we believe was the major contributor to his weakness. He also has gone to the vet twice in the last two weeks for acupuncture. He is such a cooperative boy. Mrrad took him last Friday and said he just laid there and put his head in mrrad’s lap while he was chilling out. the vet also gave him a B12 shot. When I got home after 9 on Friday night Kona jumped up and came over to greet me, usually he barely raises his head. He is not nearly as sedated. He only has occassional weakness now, usually after a long walk when he is really tired. He is having what they call focal seizures, which is more like a tremor or an uncontrolled movement of a body part. For Kona it is a tremor on his chin. It doesn’t last long and if we call his name he “comes out of it” and its fine. I can live with those type of events. Much easier to handle than the full blown grand mal seizures which are so frightening. His eyes are bright now and he seems to have his “puppy” back.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I briefly heard mrrad play at a gig today (the first time I’ve heard him play live) and it brought tears to my eyes I am so proud of him.

First Week

was not a raving a success, but it wasn’t horrible either.

I had a few very late days at the office and had to work in the evening so I wasn’t able to accomplish as much as I wanted. I did do core strengthening exercised every day (that only takes about 5-10 minutes). On Sunday and Monday I did some restorative yoga at home (maybe 1/2 hour to 45 minutes each night). Tuesday I worked until 10, Wednesday I was at the office until after 7 so I only did the core strenghtening exercises. Thursday night I pulled out my restorative yoga dvd (after spending 15 minutes trying to get my laptop to read it and not crash) I managed about 55 minutes. Friday night my flight was delayed and I didn’t get home until 9 so I did the mini version of the core exercises. Haven’t decided what to do today and tomorrow. I’m traveling again tomorrow night. Little by little I will be able to accomplish something.

Friday, June 18, 2010

FTF Weekend of June 18th

Oh my goodness it has been an incrediblely busy, stressful, eventful week and I’m glad that its over. Next week is a full week of back to back meetings for five days. I’m traveling on Sunday evening. Mrrad is playing his first gig out in years. I’m so proud of him and am looking forward to hearing him play with this band.


practice bass

practice bass

practice bass

bass lesson

water plants


take vitamins

make vitamins

time sheet

go to mrrad’s gig (yeah)

call mom

followup emails



Its been a grueling week adn next week will be even worse.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I really should be back at home tonight and have a few minutes to practice my bass.


Is it really possible that there can be people that crazy out there, and that they masquarade as normal?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010


I didn’t go into work today because I wasn’t feeling well yet I spent 11 intensive hours working from the comfort of my arm chair—so much for rest.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Another bass lesson and another day to totally enjoy learning something new.

I am just loving learning the bass

I feel like a little kid again. My third lesson today. I learned the opening riffs for “Dock of the Bay” and “Born on a Bad Sign”. They are simple but so much fun. My teacher told me I’m really taking to this. Did I say this was so much fun?

Baby Steps

I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my hip and sciaitica. I’ve been going to the DO, but because I travel so much its impossible to get there regularly or even have much of a fitness program. Also, the pain has caused me to do less and less which just weakens everything. I was at the DO on Friday and asked what I could do (I’ve been doing restorative yoga but quit when the class was no longer offered). My DO said he wanted me to tone more in order to keep the pelvis stable after my treatments. DUH! So I bought a travel resistence band set and a dvd of restorative yoga. When I’m in the hotel I only need to ask them to provide 4 additional blankets. Everything else is portable and I can do gentle toning in the privacy of my room. I’ve also done some research on core stabilization exercises that I can also do to strenghten those muscles. I really want to be able to walk and stand without pain and I have to help make that happen. Once I can do that, I can focus on bigger fitness goals. But as I said, baby steps.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


A lovely Saturday, sleeping late, going out to coffee with the family, minor chores and taking it easy made it perfect.

Friday, June 11, 2010


It was an absolutely gorgeous day in San Francisco today.

FTF Weekend of June 12th

_I have two tough weeks coming up but this weekend is blissfully devoid of must-dos. I plan on enjoying it.

practice bass

practice bass

practice bass

bass lesson

grocery store

pay bills


water plants

order (or buy) suitcase

order dog food

shop for exer-bands


install Kona-proof hardware on his food cabinet

make vitamin packs

take vitamins

identify vacation options

-see DO-



install dreamweaver


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today Phoenix the bird turns 15 years old and he wants a facebook page for his birthday.


An all day trip on a bus to San Diego for a team building session has left my body tired, sore and with an incoming migraine.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I’m feeling last night’s yoga in my sore muscles but my hands feel great after some smokin’ bass practice.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Kona loved his acupuncture today and now he is nice and relaxed—wish I was.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


“Another One Bites the Dust” has to be the most fabulous rock song for bass ever—at leat for beginning bass players.

Had my second bass lesson today

and I am loving it! While the first week was boring stuff like scales and learning five notes (all very important and worthwhile) this week my teacher gave me the bass line to my first song-”Another One Bites the Dust” It rockes. Not like I’ll ever play it with anyone but its great to learn on something so fun.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It was a quiet, soothing Saturday with little that had to be done (other than a massage) and time to enjoy life.

Crazy Heart

I see why Jeff Bridges won an Oscar.

Ice Age 3

How can you not love a reprise of Manny, Sid and Diego.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I was pleasantly surprised that after not practicing my bass for 3 days, the material I was practicing came much more easily.

FTF Weekend of June 4th

After a week of being on steroids to calm my back down, I was feeling great until a stupid cab driver caused me to be sooo late for a plane that I had to run to catch it and tweaked my back. I am so unhappy about it, and sore too. Not a lot going on this weekend thank goodness so I will try to rest and stretch the back and hopefully the inflammation won’t return to the level it was before.

-practice bass- just about an hour tonight. I really need a music stand so I can see the music as I practice. And boy does my index finger hurt

practice bass

practice bass

bass lesson

-hair appointment-



maybe some photography


take vitamins

make vitamin packs

pick up prescription

book vacation

hug mrrad

-make acupuncture appointment-

make other dr. appointments

-see DO-

plant herbs

water plants

Kona bath

grocery store

Thursday, June 3, 2010


The frickin’ cab driver was 15 minutes late and took the long way so I barely made my flight while tweaking my back (which is just starting to be pain free after a week of steroids) running for the plane. SHEESH!


That’s it, I’ve had enough of being on the road and not at home or in my home office with my own desk and my own stuff—this has to stop!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Back to the airport and back to work after 10 lovely days at home-I want to be back at home and not in this hotel.