Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31st again

This is the heart of a sago palm. It looks eerie and strange and interesting.

March 31st

An iris by our house. Its been beautiful here this last week and spring is rally here—YAY!

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30th

This is the view from our new office of the Bay Bridge (the bridge across the bay that connects San Francisco with Oakland). It is quite a dramatic view. And in order to celebrate our first day in a new office on the 24th floor we had an earthquake (which is felt more at a higher level). We just moved from the 5th floor of another building. I was in the middle of webex presentation to other offices throughout north america when it hit. We couldn’t have planned it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Things I am grateful for . .

Tiger Balm
Breakfast out with my husband
A new office
A sweet sweet dog

March 29th

Our city hall and council chambers was condemned a few years ago. Our council chambers are being renovated (originally an old church).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 28th

Our bird was laying back against the cage taking a nap. He was a little upset that we bothered him.

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27th Tribute

I know this isn’t a very clear picture but really wanted to share this. Most know of the 4 police officers that were killed last weekend in Oakland. Today, as I entered the freeway to go to court I was in the middle of the procession of police going to the funeral. As far as I could see ahead of me, and as far as i could see behind me, there were police vehicles with their lights in the far left lane. It was incredible. I tried to get to a place where I could get a great photo but this is the best I could do while driving.

March 27th

Here is Friday afternoon in the City-traffic jam with the cable car.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26th

A little late in the day-shot this while watching American Idol—this is what my husband thinks of it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th

Here is what greets me every time I enter the court floor at the civic center—a trip thru security everyday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24th

My favorite view on my way home from work everynight. 1 exit from my house and 20 miles from the city. Today the ladies were out close to the road.

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23rd

This is a double decker tour bus going over the golden gate bridge. The bus is covered with advertising (for Coors). It was 55 degrees on the bridge this afternoon when I took this. Those folks on the top deck were freezing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22nd Take Two

Given how poor yesterday was, I thought I would make up for it today. I never really noticed this boxes soldiered up on the street, but they are quite colorful

March 22nd

We went out for breakfast this morning at a new old roadhouse, which has these fabulous murals on the wall.

March 21st

Given how poorly my photos turned out yesterday, I really should be reading this a little more closely

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The sixth 10 things about me

51. I used to play the flute and the organ.
52. I would like to learn to play another musical instrument.
53. I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show (the musical) on stage in London in 1977.
54. My first bike was a blue Schwinn Hollywood.
55. My second bike was a black Ralieght Bobby Bike
56. I can only complete the Monday NY Times crossword puzzle, on occassion the Tuesday ones.
57. I lived outside of Paris (Versaille)for a year.
58. My first SLR was a Mamiya-it traveled with me to Versailles and died after I returned.
59. I would draw and paint endlessly when I was young-then I stopped.
60. I know the five positions in ballet.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bozo is overwhelmed

with packing. We’re moving our office in a week and he has too much to do.

March 20th

A store front in San Francisco. It is on the same street as my office, only a bit of a ways away. We are moving our office in one week.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19th

I’m not exactly sure what this is, a bud of some sort, on a young tree.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18th

I, too, didn’t have much of a chance to get any good photos today. By the time I got a chance it was already dusk and there was too much “noise” in the photos. However, I did happen upon this sign downtown on my way to design review.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today I an grateful for. . . .

A great dinner prepared by my husband
That Kona has recovered from his seizure
Getting out of court a little early today
The rain is over for a few days
Rechargable batteries

In honor of St. Paddy's Day

A few shamrocks.

March 17th

There was a flock of crows making a racket at our house. Here is “Counting Crows” Can you find all 12?

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16th

“My way home”-the parking garage tonight before I headed home.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15th

Today I took the dog for a walk around the valley-stopping every few feet to take a photo. Its amazing when one really looks at the cool things to photograph in the valley, that there are so many. It was very difficult to choose the best one. I have photos of all kinds of wildflowers that are out there. This is called “Sorcerer’s Tree” because it looks so complex and somewhat menacing with the moss growing on it. Looks like something that could be in Harry Potter.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14th

The hair salon that I go to has these scissors embedded in the concrete in front of the door. I’ve always found it unusual and creative.

The fifth 10 facts about myself (halfway there)

41. I don’t wear much jewelry at all.
42. I multitask too often.
43. I like jury duty (most of the time)
44. I like to garden but don’t have a place.
45. Some day I would like to have a house with a pool and a big yard for dogs.
46. I know how to sew and used to make my own clothes.
47. I find geneology really interesting.
48. My favorite comfort food is grilled cheese with tomato soup.
49. I’m a beach person
50. I think massages are a necessity.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The fourth ten facts about me

31. I’m electronically challenged
32. I love to take naps
33. Sometimes I love to iron.
34. I can become addicted to jigsaw puzzles.
35. I like to play board games.
36. I wish I could meditate more.
37. I was just short of 16 when I had my first kiss.
38. I don’t like to ask for directions.
39. There is nothing better than clean sheets after a shower.
40. I was a Girl Scout in Troop 294.

Today I am grateful for:

That my writing could bring comfort to those I love
My bff
My loving husband
A clean car
A husband that gets the oil changed on my car.

March 13th

I was on a site visit and I couldn’t take any photos so I was on the last minute snap fest. Here is “Mail box”

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12th

A quick drive around my valley this afternoon found these two “hens” cruising the streets. This is “Turkey Trot”

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11th

I got off the freeway an exit early to capture a few photos of the cows and a church. They didn’t turn out so well, but I kinda like this photo of the fence and an old playing field.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10th

Another day at the FLW courthouse. This is the corridor outside of the courtrooms with the afternoon sun coming in and casting shawdows of the grilles that are outside on the lanai. I love the rhythm of the shadows going down the corridor, reflecting not only the grille but also the arches of the exterior and the columns.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What I am grateful for

A sunny day
A full moon
Project 365
My husband’s help in choosing the picture of the day
Each day that I have with my husband and family

March 8th

The trees are starting to bud around here and while its been cool, it has been sunny.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How much I have to be grateful for . . .

My husband
Our health
My sweet black lab
My good friend
Thin Mints GS cookies

March 8th--Kona demands equal time

Kona was a little upset that he wasn’t posted yesterday so he is demanding equal time. Here is “Mr. Majestic”

March 8th

This is entitled “Is there a water shortage?” They don’t do a very good job with the spray paint, do they?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7th

I caught my bird while he was shaking his head. I call this “Phoenix in Motion”


Early this morning MB called to tell me that her brother-in-law, Michael, had died. It was unexpected. It is a tragedy. I did not know Michael well personally. But I felt I knew him from the stories MB would tell me about him. And I know the people he loved and who loved him. And because of that I feel I do know him. I do not have all of his pertinent facts, but this is my impression of him.

Michael was a big man, with reddish blond hair, glasses, a big heart and a wicked sense of humor. I don't know why I think of him as a jokester-perhaps because most of the stories I heard about him made me laugh. Michael was a family man. He married young and had three beautiful daughters. His second daughter died within a few days after birth. I didn't know him then. But I know his two other daughters, H and J. In fact, I remember when J was born because I was in living in Versailles with her Aunt M. If I remember correctly, J may have been a bit of a late arrival--because we were anticipating her birth. Today J is pregnant with her second child and mourning the loss of her father.

Michael was a farmer--a tough way to make a living--but he was rugged and came from a family of farmers. Three years ago he built a new house for his wife. It was during that construction that he fell off of a ladder and was seriously injured. It was within weeks after his father-in-law died. Through bad breaks and possibly some medical mistakes he became very ill and spent a very long time in ICU. They weren't sure at the time if he was going to live, but he pulled through. Last night he asked his wife to take him to the hospital because he knew something was wrong, seriously wrong it turns out. After going to the local hospital, his wife insisted they take him to the regional referral center where he had been treated before. He died within hours of reaching the hospital. They were just getting ready to move him to ICU when he coded. The medical personnel had asked his family to step out of the room so they could prep him to move when he arrested. They couldn't bring him back. Perhaps he knew what he was in for and couldn't face it again--probably not for himself but for his family--and he chose to leave while they were out of the room. But whatever the circumstances, he is not going to have to face the ordeal again. But those who loved him must now come to terms with how to go on without him. My heart aches for them--his wife, his daughters, his granddaughters, his in-laws. They loved him and admired him. They held him up as a standard of the type of man to be, and to be proud of.

Yesterday morning at this time was a normal day for everyone. No one could dream that 24 hours later they would be cast into the depths of shock and grief, trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. Today was supposed to be a Saturday like every other Saturday. It was not supposed to be a day to think about losing a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother-in-law. It was not supposed to be a day to plan a funeral. It was not supposed to be a day when one had to start to contemplate living a life without the partner that you had spent your life with, to contemplate living a life without a father who should see his grandchildren grow up and have great grandchildren. It was not supposed to be a day to have to deal with the unthinkable. Today was not supposed to be that day.

Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6th

The rose window. There are three churches, one on per block going down Van Ness avenue in SF. I caught this rose window while stopped at a traffic light (seems I do that a lot).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Things I am grateful for . . .

Incredible skies
The ability to work from just about anywhere
My husband

March 5th

I’m torn between what two photos today. I call this one Community Meeting. We’ve had some beautiful skies lately because we’ve had storms move in and out. We don’t get big fluffy clouds. This photo is one exit from my house and only 20 miles from the Golden Gate Bridge. I love seeing the cows in the field when I get home.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th

Most of you probably don’t have this problem right now (give it six months) but I found a dandelion today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3rd

I’m back to the civic center for jury duty again today. It was pouring rain all day so I captured this one during lunch. Its a detail of the tower (which I had posted last week) thru one of the circular holes in the eaves. Again—I love FLW and it is one of the most photographic buildings I know of.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Things I am grateful for. . .

Having a job
Jury duty
my sweet dog
my osteopath
my husband

March 2nd

Its a grey rainy day and I have no energy today-so in honor of my east coast fellows-here is the west coast version of snow balls. I like the little flickers of purple that show up.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The third 10 facts about me. . .

21. Purple is my favorite color.
22. Black is my favorite neutral color.
23. I have a closet full of black pants.
24. I’m not too bad of a golfer.
25. Most sports bore me.
26. So far in my life I’ve had 3 parakeets, 1 finch, 2 cockatiels, 1 conure and 2 dogs.
27. I still get excited about Christmas presents.
28. My left foot is a little larger than my right foot.
29. House is one of my favorite TV shows.
30. I prefer to sit in first class.

March 1st

Its raining today but I did make it to yoga for the first time in over three months. I’m so happy to have been back and feel rather relaxed. So here is a photo of the yoga studio I go to for restorative yoga. Its in this rather cool, funky building in Petaluma.

Back today for restorative yoga

I finally made it back to class this morning after a three month plus absence. Every time I go I remember how much I like it. I was really stiff and sore this morning but got into a nice relaxed state while listening to the sound of the rain during bound angle pose and corpse pose. I’m sure I will be sore tomorrow, my lower back and legs got a good stretching workout and could tell that my right hip is not in alignment. I was also able to help a fellow classmate with a pose I use for stretching my hip when it feels tight. I feel so good about going.

The second 10 facts about myself

11. I was born in the year of the sheep.
12. I am an aquarius.
13. I’m the youngest in my family-youngest child, youngest grandchild on both sides.
14. I have asthma.
15. I hate smoking.
15. I have my wedding dress hanging in a special place in the closet.
16. I adore Thin Mint GS cookies.
17. I can’t live without chocolate.
18. Pizza is my favorite food.
19. Somedays I don’t like to go to work.
20. I’ve never climbed a tree.

The first 10 facts about myself

1. I love to dance-but don’t anymore
2. I love to sing but am tone deaf
3. I have a short neck
4. I love dogs and birds, tolerate cats.
5. I don’t miss the snow.
6. I drive fast.
7. I love planning parties and big event, but I rarely have them.
8. I work too much.
9. I don’t like to exercise.
10. I love to read.