Saturday, February 28, 2009

What I have to be grateful for:

A massage
A nap
Black and white photos
my husband

February 28th

I actually decided to read the instructions for my camera-I learned amazing things. I started to experiment with black and white today. I also notice how many of my photos are taken going 60 MPH down the highway. At least I wasn’t driving today when I took this one. I like it because the background is muted and then there is a splash of color-the mustard is now blooming and is beautiful, even on a rather overcast day as today. I was enjoying looking at the structure of the trees without their leaves (I have several photos of those today). Here is “Spring in Sonoma”

February 28th

I actually decided to read the instructions for my camera-I learned amazing things. I started to experiment with black and white today. I also notice how many of my photos are taken going 60 MPH down the highway. At least I wasn’t driving today when I took this one. I like it because the background is muted and then there is a splash of color-the mustard is now blooming and is beautiful, even on a rather overcast day as today. I was enjoying looking at the structure of the trees without their leaves (I have several photos of those today). Here is “Spring in Sonoma”

Friday, February 27, 2009

Things I am grateful for:

Its Friday.
It didn’t rain today.
I snapped some great photos today.
I didn’t have to drive to the city today.
My “boys”.

February 27th

Another shot of the Marin County Civic Center by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is the tower and central rotunda. It has been used in some sci-fi films. Do you recognize it?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26th

I was on jury duty today at our civic center which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright—my favorite architect. This is a detail in the entry lobby. You’ll probably be seeing more FLW details since I may be on jury duty for a while.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25th

We are moving into a new office in three weeks and I was there today to look at the construction progress. Took this from our window to the parking lot below.

What I have to be grateful for:

My flight was not canceled yesterday, only delayed
A beautiful sunny day in LA
My job
My home
My wonderful husband

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24th

You could probably guess what I was doing today. This is from very early this morning when I was on the plane. We had just pushed back from the gate and as I looked out the window I saw the reflection of the morning sky and clouds in the puddle on the tarmac. I cheated a little and pulled out my camera when none were supposed to be on-opps!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today I am grateful for:

The love of my husband
Having a job
Only traveling once this week
Getting the bills paid
Tax refund

February 23rd Part II

The towers and cables against the sky are really spectacular. I guess I will have as many photos of the GGB as I will of my dog. I drive over it twice a day and it never ever fails to take my breath away.

February 23rd

I love this picture of the Golden Gate Bridge towers. It seems like they are floating in the heavens.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22nd

I have a several old vinegar bottles that I’ve filled with colored water in my kitchen. Its a grey rainy day today and the colored bottles give a vibrancy to the grey day

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21st

Today I am grateful for:
A clean dog
An afternoon nap
Project 365—seeing things differently
Blooming trees
my husband

February 21st

While I took several photos today I was really disappointed with them. Spring is coming and the trees are starting to bloom on the hill coming up to my house. Its my favorite time of year and I love blooming trees.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Things I am grateful for . .

The end of the week.
Coming home from southern California
Lou Malnati’s pizza
Spring in the air
My dear sweet husband

February 20th

This is a photo of the old traffic control tower at LAX with scaffolding all around it. An Avis bus was driving by just as I shot this.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19th

I’v been traveling today and got a few great photos. This is a hummingbird in some flowers which I caught going through the toll booth.

February 18th

I’m stuck in a hotel room in LA that is so banal that I’ve spent the better part of an hour trying to find something worthwhile to photograph. The best I could come up with was me and that’s a sad statement.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things to be grateful for on February 17th

A clean desk
Ski week traffic
More rain
a tired doggie
my husband

February 17th

Yes it rains in California-it poured on the way to work this morning over the Golden Gate Bridge

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gratitude February 16th

Baked pasta
Respect from my peers
No traffic on a holiday
Getting my back put back in place
My husband

February 16th

Its been one of those days when I didn’t think much about taking a photo and had to resort to the boring stuff—a raining day on the road or my dash board (which I see quite a lot of anyway). So this one of my dashboard is as I went into the grocery store. I love the moving lights.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15th

There is a long and interesting story to this St. Joseph statue. When we bought our house, the realtor had buried a statue of St. Joseph outside. There is a story that if you want to move you bury a statue of St. Joseph with his head pointing the the direction that you want to move. Our realtor originally did this in one of the pots on the deck. The owner kept turning the pots and the house wasn’t selling-for months. When the realtor discovered that she buried it outside on the hill next to the house. That was the weekend before we walked in and bought the house within two days.

After the sale, the realtor went out to retrieve the statue but couldn’t find it. Two years later, on the exact day that my neighbor died (he was Jewish) we find the statue sitting on our deck next to a flower pot. Its just the kind of thing Y. would have done with his quirky sense of humor. Somehow in the process the baby’s head has been broken off.

Today the statue sits in a bowl on the middle of our dining room table.


Today I am grateful for:
A rainy day—we need the rain
That J. is home from the hospital
On Demand—so I can catch up on the programs I miss
Project 365
Paying bills—that I can pay them
My husband

Project 365

Project 365 is about taking one photo a day for a year to document your life. I started this about a month ago and have found that it takes on a life of its own. I post each day on . Whether or not I can keep up with it for a year is questionable, time will tell, but I love what the effort does for me. It forces me to focus on the little things. To try to find at least one thing a day that is worth photographing. And that means slowing down and taking a look around me. Its a pleasant diversion from my obsessive need to work all the time. I'm finding that even the most mundane things can be interesting. A little creative cropping and there is a work of art. It is also documents the big and little things of life. Last week I was flying out of Buffalo Niagara Airport the day after the plane crash. The flags at the airport were at half mast. I photographed them--documenting for me the tragedy that occurred there and how close I was to it.

I also really enjoy looking at the photos that others have posted to both get ideas and to get a snapshot (pun intended) into their lives and personality. Its not like I have a lot of time to devote to hobbies, but this doesn't take a lot. I'm using a Canon PowerShot SX110IS and I edit on Picture Manager which is a basic tool that comes with Microsoft products. Nothing high end about either product but it works. Maybe later I will get an slr with lots of lenses and learn to use Photoshop, but this is the best and simplest approach for me. I try not to make it too complicated, but I do have high expectations and I want every photo to be inspirational. Guess what--they are not. But they do, in fact, document what is going on in my life. It will be fun to look at them all at the end of the year.

The big idea is to look at the little things. I do not do a good job at stopping to smell the roses. But this forces me to. And I look forward to it, most of the time. My daily life is not something that is particularly important or worthy. But it is my life, and if it takes photos to slow me down and think about my life, then it is worth it. Because in slowing down I become aware of all of the blessings in my life. I become aware of how connected we all are. I reconnect with my higher power and the beauty of this world. I enjoy it more, even if its only through the act of photography. Project 365 is a great tool that goes beyond the obvious.

So I will also be posting to the blog my daily posting of photographs. Look for them.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today I am grateful for:

Coming home from a long week.
The opportunity to go to Niagara Falls on the way to the airport.
A safe flight, skilled pilots and no ice.
Having a valentine.
My husband

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things I am grateful for . . .

That I received many nice compliments about my presentation today.
That people laughed when they were supposed to.
That I didn’t choke
That I am going home tomorrow.
That I am not on the plane that crashed in Buffalo a few minutes ago
My husband

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things I am grateful for . .

First class seat on a red-eye.
The beautiful state that I live in.
That I no longer live where there is snow.
Its not snowing in Buffalo
My husband.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Things I am grateful for . .

My husband.
A full moon.
The HOV lane that is now finished.
A great new office manager.

February 9th Part 2 What would Bozo do?

Bozo sits on my desk-I think I’ll document his adventures this year-just for fun.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things I am grateful for . .

Seeing all five movies nominated for Best Picture before the Oscars.
My husband.
Playing Upwards with BFF
Kettle Korn

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today I am grateful for:

My husband
An entertaining movie
A break from work
A good rain storm
A week with BFF


Last night we watched a PBS special on the Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I used to work nearby and would often see them flying overhead making quite the racket. I also have a parrot who is similar to the cherry-headed conures on TH. This flock of birds has survived the wild and the hawks. No one is sure how they came to be--there are several urban legends. But the start of the flock was probably some one's pet who was either let go or escaped.

I've always found birds to be interesting creatures, from the first parakeet I had (I've had at least four--Prettyboy 1-4) to the feather picking finch (Baldy)--to the two cockatiels (Bogie and Spike)--to my current conure (Phoenix). They have such personality and I believe they have feelings too. I love to listen to them chatter--but not a big fan of the screaming. Phoenix has his quirks and very different vocalizations. We know there it the happy squawk, the pay-attention-to-me yell, the warning-warning-Will-Robinson scream, the contented purr, and the time-for-the-flock-to-come-home call. He gets mad when we disturb him or when we don't give him the attention he wants. He loves to be out on us. But a conure is like a two year old with a can opener on its face. Exploring and dangerous. Phoenix loves coca cola and beer. My brother-in-law would share his beer with him. Everytime Phoenix saw a green bottle he would get excited. He is also a big fan of apples, bananas, and bagels.

So how can people not love these curious guys? Phoenix talks--he has a nice vocabulary--but he hasn't learned any new words in several years. His vocabulary includes:
  • good morning
  • hello phoenix
  • hi buddy
  • what's up sonnet?
  • what?
  • what's that?
  • I love you
  • I love you love you

He also mimics my laugh, my husbands laugh (he lowers his voice) and water running. He is incredibly curious about household machines. He has crawled into the dishwasher, and flys over to the washer when we start to load clothes or when the dryer is running.

He's a cute little guy--and we know he is attached to us, although he tolerates the dog, and the dog tolerates him. He has his funny poses, leaning back against the cage to rest, putting his foot on top of his head, or holding it straight out and waving. He loves it when my husband tells him the story of where he was born (under the el tracks in a bird store in Chicago) and how we met him and when we brought him home. It quiets him right down. OK--he probably just loves the attention but we would like to think he loves the story.

When we moved to California we spent 4 days driving out here in our silver honda. Phoenix was in his travel cage on top of suitcases in the back seat and the dog, Sonnet, was next to him. Phoenix was happier than a pig in slop. He had his whole flock right next to him where he could watch them all day long. He has a big cage that is located in the dining room where he can look out of the large windows and see nothing but sky. Every so often and hawk will fly by and Phoenix will get quiet and duck. He is always entertaining.

I love watching the birds outside too. The jays and the robins and the hummingbirds. I love to watch the vultures riding the thermals and the hawks soaring over the valley. What freedom to fly with the wind! But the hawks are always alone along the side of highway--sitting on fence post looking for prey. Several fence posts down one can find a flock of crows keeping a safe distance from the raptor. And then there are the egrets, standing in the marshlands, their white bodies and long legs like a beacon agains the greens and blues of the water. There is one that hangs out along route 37--we call him Ernie the Egret. He's always there, almost always in the same spot, like he is waiting for us to drive by and say hello.

In Hawaii there are several birds that hang out at near the hotel and pay attention when people are eating. One species reminds us of Heckle and Jeckle with yellow around their eyes. They look like wise guys. On one of our trips, we had fallen asleep in the afternoon and were awakened to a catcophony of birds at sunset. We woke up to look out at the blue, red, orange and pink sky with the sound of what seemed like a thousand birds to send the sun to bed. It was glorious.

Birds. What special creations they are. How simple their lives, how extradinary their gifts.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gratitude . . .

Today I am grateful for:

That I didn’t have to travel
The chance to use my creativity
My husband
A beautiful home
A tired doggie

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I admit it, I'm not a big movie goer. I always see trailers and think, I want to see that movie. But then trying to find time and motivation to actually go--well there are just too many other things to do. Sometimes I will rent a movie when I'm stuck in a hotel room and there is nothing on TV. I don't think I even darkened the door of a movie theater during all of 2008. And every year I make a pledge to see all of the movies nominated for Best Picture before the Oscar. And every year I never succeed. However, this year will be different. My bff is here for a week and we are hitting the theater. So far we've seen Doubt, The Reader, The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, Frost/Nixon and Milk.

It's interesting watching movies that have been nominated. Supposedly they are the best of the best. And so far, I would say that four of the five movies I've seen are really great (although Doubt was not nominated for best picture). I like movies that either entertain me or make me think. I am not a fan of gratuitous violence or stupid comedy. I am not in love with Benjamin Buttons. It was a nice and unusual story but it wasn't as compelling as the other four that I saw. I am more drawn in to stories that make me think and cause a bit of moral dilemma--where I can see both sides of a story and am torn between them. I like the ones that make me continue to think about them after I've left the theater.

So this week I will make my goal to see all of the nominated movies for Best Picture. And perhaps this year I will make it to more movies so I won't be doing a last minute movie fest next February. But it has been fun. And it makes me stop thinking for a while about my life and focus on something else.

Today I am gratefule for . . .

Vacation time
Sleeping later than normal
Sunshine (again)
My husband
PB&J sandwiches

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today I am grateful for:

Sunshine (again)
Good friends
My camera
My husband
My noisy beautiful bird
A new movie
Popcorn and M&Ms


Today I was thinking about sunshine. It is so warm and vibrant and encompassing. I love sitting in my chair in the morning when the sun fills our living room. The dog always finds a patch to lay in and snooze. The bird is usually quiet and from my chair I look out the window and see nothing but trees and sky--like living in a tree house. It is the best time of the day. The day is ahead of me and I can decide whatever it is I want to do, or not.

Today it will probably be a movie, either Milk or Frost/Nixon. My bff (who is visiting from Chicago) and I are having a movie fest--trying to see all the movies nominated for best picture. Seems ironic that with all of this sunshine, we spend a part of our days in a darkened movie theater. But then, we only have one week together a year and it is something we love to do together.

We really need the rain--we are in a drought. But selfishly, I love the sunshine and am not crazy about the rain. Thank goodness we no longer live in Chicago, I do not miss the cold and snow. I have become california-ized. That is why I love sunshine.